I have worked with the following therapists, and am confident in their skills and professionalism.
MLD-CTD Therapists
Kelly Hall, RMT, CDT. No home visits.
Current location: 181 St Andrew St. E, Fergus.
Office Phone: 519-831-1160
Email: xryylunyy.ezg@tznvy.pbz
Website: www.massagezone.biz/kellyhallrmt
Renata DeForest, RMT, CDT, ADP Authorizer. She will do home visits.
Current location: Central Health Care at 203-806 Gordon St., Guelph.
Office Phone: 519-823-1450
Cell Phone: 519-993-2736
Email: erangnezg@oryy.arg
Cate MacKay B.A., RMT, CDT, ADP Authorizer. No home visits.
Current location 1 : GRSM at 16 Andrew St., Kitchener
Office Phone: 519-804-9164
Days: Mondays & Fridays from 8:30 am – 1:00 pm.
Current location 2 : NuMe Boutique at 815 Weber St. E, Kitchener
Office Phone: 519-571-9820
Days: Wednesdays 10 am – 12 pm.
Dr. Susanne Meldrum, D.C., R.Ac.
Current location: 6-695 Coronation Blvd., Cambridge.
Office Phone: 519-362-0687
Email: fhfnaar.zryqehz@tznvy.pbz
Clinical Focus: pregnancy, acupuncture, chronic and acute pain.
Website: www.drsusannemeldrum.com